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Manuscripts in the review process


Geiser, Amanda, Ike Silver, and Deborah Small. “Reluctance to Downplay: Asymmetric Sensitivity to Differences in the Severity of Moral Transgressions.” Under second-round review, Psychological Science.

Geiser, Amanda and Clayton Critcher. “The Limits of 'Unlimited' Offers: How Quantifying Constraints Can Increase Valuation.” Revise and resubmit, Journal of Consumer Research.


Geiser, Amanda and Jonathan Berman. “'I'll Do It If You Do': The Persuasive Power of Conditional Commitment.” Revise and resubmit, Journal of Consumer Research.

Manuscripts in preparation

Geiser, Amanda and Ellen Evers. “People are risk-averse because they think they should be.


Geiser, Amanda and Ellen Evers. “People underappreciate the aggregate impact of low-probability opportunities.

Geiser, Amanda and Leif Nelson. “Ratios of small numbers seem larger.


Mehr, K. S., Geiser, A. E., Milkman, K. L., & Duckworth, A. L. (2020). Copy-paste prompts: A new nudge to promote goal achievement. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 5(3), 329-334. [PDF]

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